SnapshotID: 66010
Active ingredients
- HerbicideWSSA mode of action
15Inhibition of VLCFAs (Inhibition of cell division)Classification
- HerbicideWSSA mode of action
14Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)Registration
Product safety
Personal Protection
Applicators and other handlers must wear: • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants • Shoes plus socks • Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, butyl rubber ≥ 14 mils, or nitrile rubber ≥ 14 mils. Replace gloves after 8 hours of use (either continuous or intermittent). Thoroughly rinse gloves with water between intermittent uses. • Protective eyewear (face shield, goggles, or safety glasses) Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product’s concentrate. DO NOT reuse them.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen