SnapshotID: 10143
Active ingredients
Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki, strain ABTS-351, fermentation solids, spores, and insecticidal toxinsRegistration
ArmywormArmyworm, FallBagwormBollworm /Cotton BollwormBorer, SugarcaneBudworm, CottonBudworm, TobaccoCankerworm, FallCankerworm, SpringCaterpillar, AlfalfaCaterpillar, Eastern TentCaterpillar, Forest TentCaterpillar, RangeCaterpillar, RedhumpedCaterpillar, SaddlebackCaterpillar, SaltmarshCaterpillar, VelvetbeanCloverworm, GreenCorn Borer, EuropeanCorn Borer, SouthwesternCutworm, CitrusCutworm, VariegatedCutworm, Western BeanEarworm, CornHornwormLooperLooper, GrassLooper, HemlockLooper, SoybeanMapleworm, GreenstripedMoth, Banded SunflowerMoth, BrowntailMoth, BuckMoth, GypsyMoth, SunflowerMoth, Western TussockOakworm, CaliforniaPodwormSaddled ProminentSkeletonizer, OakSkipper, Essex/EuropeanSpanworm, ElmWebwormWebworm, FallWebworm, Mimosa
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or viton • Shoes plus socksPersonal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate, or nitrile rubber, or neoprene rubber or viton Shoes plus socksRestricted Entry Interval
4 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen
Supplemental Labels
- For Control of Lepidopterous Insects on Cranberry (MA, NJ, OR, WA & WI)
- For Control of Lepidopterous Insects on Tobacco (CT, FL, GA, IN, KY, MD, MO, NC, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV & WI)
- For Control of Lepidopterous Insects on Citrus (CA)
- For Control of Indian Meal Moth in Stored Agricultural Commodities (TX)
- For Control of Indian Meal Moth in Stored Agricultural Commodities (ND)