AntAphidAquatic LarvaeArmywormArmyworm, BeetArmyworm, Western YellowstripedBagwormBeetleBeetle, AsparagusBeetle, BeanBeetle, BlisterBeetle, CigaretteBeetle, Colorado PotatoBeetle, Confused FlourBeetle, Cucumber/Corn RootwormBeetle, DarklingBeetle, DriedfruitBeetle, DrugstoreBeetle, Elm LeafBeetle, Flat GrainBeetle, Merchant GrainBeetle, Red FlourBeetle, Rusty GrainBeetle, Sawtoothed GrainBeetle, Spotted CucumberBeetle, Squarenecked GrainBillbugBlow FlyBoll WeevilBorer, BranchBorer, Lesser GrainBorer, TwigBudworm, TomatoBug, BoxelderBug, TomatoCabbageworm, Cross-stripedCadelleCankerwormCaterpillarCaterpillar, Eastern TentCockroachCrane Fly /LeatherjacketCricketEarwigEarworm, CornFly, NuisanceFly, VinegarFruit FlyFruit Fly, Cherry/Cherry MaggotFruit Fly, DrosophilaFruitworm, TomatoFungus GnatHornworm, TobaccoLooper, CabbageMaggot, AppleMaggot, CabbageMealworm, DarkMealworm, LesserMealybug, VineMirid, BermudagrassMite, CloverMite, EriophyidMite, Tomato RussetMoth, AlmondMoth, Angoumois GrainMoth, Artichoke PlumeMoth, CodlingMoth, DiamondbackMoth, IndianmealMoth, Mediterranean FlourMoth, Tobacco/WarehouseMoth, TussockPinworm, TomatoScale, ArmoredSeed ChalcidSkipper, CheeseSoil Borne DiseasesWebwormWeevil, CarrotWeevil, CloverWeevil, GranaryWeevil, MaizeWeevil, RiceWhitefly
AlmondAlmond nutmeat and ShellsAppleApricotBarleyBeansBin HopperBirdseedBlackberry (All Types)Blueberry (All Types)BoysenberryBuckwheatCanneries/Bottling FacilitiesCargo ShipsCeilingsCereal Grains, StoredCherryCocoa BeansCorn (All Types)Cotton, For SeedCrabappleCurrantDewberryDried Fruits in StorageElevator/Dumbwaiter/Trash Can ShaftsFigFlaxFloorsFlowering PlantsFoliage PlantsFood Processing PlantsFood Storage FacilitiesFrozen Food PlantsFruit Packing ShedsFruit, Dried, StoredGooseberryGrain ElevatorsGrain Harvesting and Handling EquipmentGrain MillsGrain NutsGrain Storage FacilitiesGranariesGrapeGreenhousesGuavaHerb WarehousesLoganberryMangoMeat Packing PlantsMelon, MuskmelonMillsOatOrangeOrchard FloorsPartition BoardsPeaPeachPeanutPeanut WarehousesPearPineapplePistachioPlumPotato, SweetPruneRaisinRaspberryRiceRice MillsRyeSafflowerSeed Production FacilitiesSeed WarehousesSesameSorghumSorghum, Grain/Milo, StoredSugarcaneSunflowerTeaTobaccoTobacco FactoriesTobacco WarehousesTomatoTrucksVegetablesVineyardWallsWalnutWalnut nutmeat and shellsWarehousesWater, FreshWheatWheat Mills
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Chemical-resistant gloves, such as Barrier Lam¬inate, Nitrile Rubber, Neoprene Rubber, or Viton Shoes plus socks.Personal Protection
Mixers, loaders, applicators, and other handlers must wear the following: long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes and socks, and chemical-resistant gloves such as Barrier Lami¬nate, Nitrile Rubber, Neoprene Rubber, or Viton. In addition to the above PPE, applicators using hand¬held foggers in an enclosed area must wear: A particulate respirator with any N, R or P filter with NIOSH approval prefix TC-84A, or A NIOSH-approved gas mask with a canister filter with NIOSH approval prefix TC-14G, or A NIOSH-approved powered air purifying respirator with HE filter with NIOSH approval prefix TC-21C.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
Should not be stored in a warm place
May be frozen