AdelgidAdelgid, Hemlock WoollyBeetle, LeafBeetle, Longhorned/Roundheaded BorerBeetle, OrientalBorer, Asian LonghornedBorer, FlatheadBorer, Flatheaded AppletreeFungus GnatLace BugLace Bug, AzaleaLeafhopperLeafminerLeafminer, BoxwoodLeafminer, SerpentineMealybugMealybug, CitrusMealybug, Ground/RootMealybug, LongtailedMealybug, MadeiraMealybug, ObscureMealybug, Pink HibiscusPsyllidPsyllid, Asian CitrusScale, ArmoredScale, Asian CycadScale, Cottony CushionScale, CryptomeriaScale, DuplachionaspisScale, Elongate HemlockScale, EuonymousScale, False OleanderScale, FletcherScale, Florida RedScale, Florida WaxScale, OystershellScale, Pine NeedleScale, SoftScale, TeaScale, Tulip TreeSharpshooter, Glassy WingedThripsThrips, ChilliThrips, Western FlowerWeevil, Black VineWeevil, RootWhite GrubWhitefly, GiantWhitefly, GreenhouseWhitefly, SilverleafWhitefly, Sweetpotato
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material and shoes plus socks.Personal Protection
For operations where the exposure limit may be exceeded, a NIOSH/MSHA approved high efficiency particulate respirator is recommended. Use of safety glasses or goggles is recommended.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen