BeeBee, African/KillerBeetle, Cereal LeafBeetle, CigaretteBeetle, Confused FlourBeetle, DermestidBeetle, DriedfruitBeetle, Flat GrainBeetle, Hairy FungusBeetle, KhapraBeetle, Red FlourBeetle, Rusty GrainBeetle, Sawtoothed GrainBeetle, SpiderBollworm, PinkBorer, Lesser GrainCadelleChipmunksFly, HessianFruit FlyGopher, PocketGround SquirrelMarmot, YellowbellyMealworm, YellowMoleMoth, AlmondMoth, Angoumois GrainMoth, European GrainMoth, Greater WaxMoth, IndianmealMoth, Mediterranean FlourMoth, RaisinMoth, Tobacco/WarehouseMousePrairie DogRat, NorwayRat, RoofVoleWeevil, BeanWeevil, GranaryWeevil, MaizeWeevil, PeaWeevil, RiceWoodchucks
AirportsAlmondAnimal FeedsAnimal HideAppleApricot KernelAssorted ChocolateAthletic FieldsBambooBargesBarleyBeanBeehivesBinsBrazil NutBrewer's Rice GritsBurrows, RodentCarrotsCashewCemeteriesCereal flours and bakery mixesCereal foodsCheeseCitrusClothCocoaCocoa powderCocoa/CacaoCoffeeCommercial SitesCondimentsContainersCookiesCorn (All Types)Corn GritsCorn, PopCotton, For SeedCotton, ProcessedCotton, UnprocessedCrackersCured Meat ProductsDark Chocolate CoatingDateDatesDried EggsDried FishDried Fruit in BulkDried Fruits in StorageDried MilkDried Plants and FlowersDried Powdered MilkDried or Dehydrated FruitsDried or Dehydrated VegetablesEgg Yolk SolidsFarm BinsFeathersFeed MillsFigFilbertFlowers, For SeedFood Processing PlantsFurGolf CourseGrass, For SeedHayHuman Hair, ProcessedHuman Hair, UnprocessedIndustrial SitesInstitutional SitesLeather ProductsLentilsLiqour ChocolateMacadamia NutsMacaroniMaltMilk ChocolateMillet (Grain)MillsMohairNon-Food CropsNon-crop AreasNon-residential AreasNondairy CreamersNonfat Dried MilkNoodlesNuts in BulkNuts, StoredOatOrchardPackaged FoodsPaper ProductsParksPastaPasturePeaPeanutPearPecanPistachioPistachio NutPod CropsPotato flourPotato productsPretzelsProcessed CoffeeProcessed FoodsProcessed HerbsProcessed Meat ProductsProcessed NutsProcessed TeaProcessed candy and sugarProcessed cerealsProcessed oatsPruneRail CarsRaisinRangelandRecreational AreasRiceRice, EnrichedRice, PolishedRice, WildRights-of-wayRubberized hairRyeSafflowerSeasoningsSeedSeed CropsSesameShip HoldsSiloSnack FoodsSorghumSoybeanSoybean Flour and Milled FractionsSpaghettiSpicesSpinachStored ProductsStored, DatesStored, TobaccoStrawSultanasSunflowerTanksTiresTobaccoTriticaleTrucksVanVegetable SeedVehiclesVulcanized hairWalnutWarehousesWheatWoodWood ChipsWoolYeastYeast, Primary
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Personal Protection
Wear dry gloves of cotton or other material if contact with tablets, pellets, or dust is likely. Respiratory protection is required when concentration levels of phosphine are unknown. A NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face gas mask - phosphine canister combination may be used at levels up to 15 ppm or following manufacturer’s use conditions instructions for escape. If WEEVIL-CIDE is to be applied from within the structure to be fumigated, an approved full-face gas mask - phosphine canister combination or SCBA or its equivalent must be available at the site of application in case it is needed.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen