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SnapshotID: 51216

Active ingredients




- Fungicide

WSSA mode of action

C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesis




Apple, BalsamAsparagusAzaleaBarleyBean, Dry (All Types)Bean, FreshBeet, GardenBentgrassBittermelonBluegrassBroccoli RaabCabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCalabazaCamelliaCantaloupeChayote (Unspecified)CollardsCorn, FieldCorn, Field, For SeedCorn, Field/Silage, Seed TreatmentCorn, PopCorn, Pop, Seed TreatmentCorn, Seed TreatmentCorn, SweetCorn, Sweet, Seed TreatmentCottonCrabappleCucumberCucumber, ChineseDogwoodEggplantEschalot, GreenFern, Shield/Holly/LeatherleafFescueField CropsFlowering PlantsGarlicGarlic, Greatheaded/ElephantGherkinGolf CourseGourd, EdibleGrass, For SeedGround CoversGroundcherryHopsKaleLandscaped Areas, ResidentialLawns /TurfLeekLycheeMelon (All Types)Melon, CasabaMelon, CitronMelon, CrenshawMelon, Golden PershawMelon, HoneyballMelon, HoneydewMelon, MangomelonMelon, MuskmelonMelon, PersianMelon, PineappleMelon, Santa ClausMelon, SnakeMizunaMomordicaMustard GreensMustard SpinachNursery CropsOkraOkra, ChineseOnion, Bulb/Dry BulbOnion, GreenOnion, Japanese BunchingOnion, Scallion (All Types)Onion, SpringOnion, WelshOrnamental Plants, ContainerOrnamentals, Commercial/Public AreasOrnamentations, LandscapePeanutPear, BalsamPecanPepinoPepper (All Types)Plantings, LandscapePumpkinRape GreensRhododendronRoseRyegrassShallot, GreenShallot/EschalotShrubs, OrnamentalSoybeanSquashSquash, AcornSquash, ButternutSquash, CrookneckSquash, CucuzzaSquash, HechimaSquash, HubbardSquash, HyotanSquash, ScallopSquash, SpaghettiSquash, StraightneckSquash, SummerSquash, Vegetable MarrowSquash, WinterSquash, ZucchiniSt. AugustinegrassSunflowerTomatilloTomatoTurnipTurnip GreensVegetables, CucurbitVine CropWatermelonWaxgourd, Chinese/Chinese Preserving MelonWheatZoysiagrass

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or butyl rubber or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or polyvinyl chloride or viton Shoes plus socks
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate, or butyl rubber or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or polyvinyl chloride or viton Shoes plus socks


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

Should not be stored in a warm place

May be frozen

Supplemental Labels
  • For Anthracnose in Turf