SnapshotID: 2097
Active ingredients
- InsecticideWSSA mode of action
Moulting disruptor, DipteranRegistration
Amaranth, LeafyArrugulaBedding PlantsBittermelonBroccoliBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBrussels SproutsCabbageCabbage, AbyssinianCabbage, Chinese Mustard (Gai Choy)Cabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCabbage, SeakaleCantaloupeCardoonCauliflowerCavalo BroccoloCeleryCelery, ChineseCeltuceChayote, FruitChervilChicory, RedChrysanthemum, Edible-leavedChrysanthemum, GarlandCollardsCorn SaladCress, GardenCress, UplandCucumberDandelionDock (Sorrel)Endive/ChicoryEscaroleFennel, FlorenceFinocchioGarlicGarlic, Greatheaded/ElephantGherkinGourd, EdibleGreenhousesHanover SaladInteriorscapesKaleKohlrabiLathhouseLeekLettuce, HeadLettuce, LeafMelon, CasabaMelon, CitronMelon, CrenshawMelon, HoneyballMelon, HoneydewMelon, HybridMelon, MangomelonMelon, MuskmelonMelon, PersianMizunaMustard GreensMustard SpinachOnion, Bulb/Dry BulbOnion, GreenOnion, PotatoOnion, TreeOnion, WelshOrachOrnamental PlantsOrnamental Plants, ContainerParsleyPear, BalsamPepper (All Types)Plantings, LandscapePumpkinPurslane, GardenPurslane, WinterRadicchioRakkyoRape GreensRapiniRhubarbShadehouseShallot/EschalotSpinachSpinach, New ZealandSpinach, VineSquash, SummerSquash, WinterSwiss ChardTomatoWatermelonWatermelon, HybridWaxgourd, Chinese/Chinese Preserving Melon
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate; butyl rubber ≥ 14 mils; nitrile rubber ≥ 14 mils; neoprene rubber ≥ 14 mils; polyethylene, polyvinylchloride [PVC] ≥ 14 mils; or Viton ≥ 14 mils Chemical-resistant footwear plus socksPersonal Protection
Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate; butyl rubber ≥ 14 mils; nitrile rubber ≥ 14 mils; neoprene rubber ≥ 14 mils; polyethylene; polyvinylchloride [PVC] ≥ 14 mils; or Viton ≥ 14 mils Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks Chemical-resistant apron when cleaning equipment, mixing, or loadingRestricted Entry Interval
12 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
Should not be stored in a warm place
May be frozen