SnapshotID: 47442
Active ingredients
- Fungicide- Fungicide, PreemergenceWSSA mode of action
ß-tubuline assembly in mitosisRegistration
AnthracnoseBermudagrass declineBlack Spot, RoseBlightBotrytis DiseasesBrown BlightBrown PatchBrown RotCankerCopper SpotCrown DiseaseCylindrocladium DiseasesDead Spot, BentgrassDiebackDollar SpotFusarium DiseasesFusarium PatchGliocladium DiseasesGray Leaf SpotLeaf BlightLeaf ScabLeaf SpotLeaf Spot, BotrytisLeaf Spot, CercosporaLeaf Spot, SeptoriaMyrothecium DiseasesNecrotic Ring Spot/Spring Dead SpotPenicillium DiseasesPink Snow MoldPowdery MildewRamularia DiseasesRed ThreadRhizoctonia DiseasesRoot DiseaseRustSclerotinia DiseasesSnow MoldStripe SmutSummer/Poa PatchTake-all-patch/Spring Dead SpotThielaviopsis DiseasesTip BlightTip Blight, DiplodiaTwig BlightZoysia Patch
AgeratumAshAthletic FieldsAzaleaBedding PlantsBegoniaBentgrassBermudagrassBluegrassBulbsCaladiumCannaCemeteriesCherryChrysanthemumColeusCormsCrabappleDaffodilDahliaDieffenbachiaDracaenaDusty-millerEvergreen TreesFescueFirFir, DouglasFire ThornFlowering PlantsFoliage Plants, TropicalFoxgloveFuchsiaGeraniumGeranium /StorksbillGladiolusGolf Course, FairwaysGolf Course, GreensGolf Course, TeesHawthornHerbaceous PlantsHerbaceous Plants, CuttingsHibiscusHollyHollyhock, CommonHydrangeaImpatiensIrisIvy, EnglishLarchLavenderLawns/Turf, Commercial/Public AreasLawns/Turf, ResidentialLigustrumLilyLily, EasterMapleMarigoldMountain AshOakOrnamental PlantsPansyParksPearPetuniaPhilodendronPinePink /Maiden PinkPlane, LondonPlants, CutPoinsettiaPothosPrimrosePyracanthaRhododendronRoseRyegrassSalviaShrubs, OrnamentalSpruceSt. AugustinegrassStaticeStrawflowerSycamoreTickseedTrees, DeciduousTrees, FloweringTrees, OrnamentalTubersTulipVerbenaWalnutWoody OrnamentalsZoysiagrass
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks, Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposuresPersonal Protection
Handlers mixing, loading and applying the product as a dip must wear: Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants; Chemical-resistant gloves; Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks; A chemical-resistant apron All other mixers and loaders and applicators must wear: Long-sleeved shirt and long pants; Shoes plus socks; Chemical-resistant gloves for all mixers and loaders and for applicators using hand-held equipment, and Chemical-resistant apron for mixers, loaders and other handlers exposed to the concentrateRestricted Entry Interval
12 hours Exemption: If the product is applied by drenching, the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circumstances, allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen