SnapshotID: 66158
Active ingredients
- Fungicide- Fungicide, PreemergenceWSSA mode of action
ß-tubuline assembly in mitosisRegistration
AnthracnoseBelly RotBermudagrass declineBlack Root RotBlack Spot, RoseBlightBotrytis DiseasesBrown BlightBrown PatchBrown RotBrown Rot BlightCankerCopper SpotCorm RotCrown DiseaseCrown RotCylindrocladium DiseasesDead Spot, BentgrassDiebackDollar SpotFusarium DiseasesFusarium PatchGliocladium DiseasesGray Leaf SpotGray MoldGummy Stem BlightLarge Brown PatchLeaf BlightLeaf DiseaseLeaf ScabLeaf SpotLeaf Spot, BotrytisLeaf Spot, CercosporaLeaf Spot, SeptoriaMyrothecium DiseasesNecrotic Ring Spot/Spring Dead SpotPenicillium DiseasesPink Snow MoldPowdery MildewRamularia DiseasesRed ThreadRhizoctonia DiseasesRhizome RotRoot DiseaseRoot RotRustSclerotinia DiseasesSnow MoldStem RotStripe SmutSummer/Poa PatchTake-all-patch/Spring Dead SpotTarget SpotThielaviopsis DiseasesTip BlightTip Blight, DiplodiaTwig BlightWhite MoldZoysia Patch
AlmondAppleApricotAthletic FieldsBean, AsparagusBean, BroadBean, Dry (All Types)Bean, FavaBean, KidneyBean, Lima, DryBean, Lima, SucculentBean, MungBean, NavyBean, PintoBean, SnapBean, SucculentBean, WaxBedding PlantsBentgrassBermudagrassBluegrassCantaloupeCherryChickpea/Garbanzo BeanCommercial SitesConifersCowpeaCucumberEvergreen TreesFescueFoliage PlantsGolf Course, ApronsGolf Course, FairwaysGolf Course, GreensGolf Course, TeesGrass/Turf, Cool Season/NorthernGrass/Turf, Warm Season/SouthernGreenhousesGround CoversInteriorscapesLandscaped AreasLathhouseLawns/Turf, SchoolsLupin, GrainLupin, SweetLupin, WhiteLupin, White SweetMelon (All Types)Melon, CasabaNectarineNursery CropsParksPea, Black-eyedPeachPecanPistachioPlumPre-school/Day Care FacilityPrunePublic AreasPumpkinResidential AreasRyegrassShadehouseShrubs, AroundSquash, SummerSquash, WinterSt. AugustinegrassTrees, DeciduousVegetables, CucurbitWatermelonZoysiagrass
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls, waterproof gloves, and shoes plus socks.Personal Protection
WPS Uses: Applicators and other handlers who handle this pesticide for any use covered by the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170, must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, waterproof gloves, and shoes plus socks. NON-WPS Uses: Applicators and other handlers who handle this pesticide for any use not covered by the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170, should wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, waterproof gloves, and shoes plus socks.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen