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Warhawk Clearform

Loveland Products, Inc.
SnapshotID: 57600

Active ingredients




- Insecticide- Ovicide- Larvicide

WSSA mode of action

Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors




Adelgid, Cooley Spruce GallAdelgid, Eastern Spruce GallAntAphidAphid, AsparagusAphid, Black PecanAphid, BlackmarginedAphid, Blue AlfalfaAphid, Brown CitrusAphid, CabbageAphid, Chinese/SoybeanAphid, Cotton/MelonAphid, CowpeaAphid, English GrainAphid, FilbertAphid, Mealy PlumAphid, PeaAphid, RootAphid, Rosy AppleAphid, Russian WheatAphid, Spotted AlfalfaAphid, Yellow PecanAphid, Yellow SugarcaneArmywormArmyworm, BeetArmyworm, FallArmyworm, YellowstripedAtaenius, Black TurfgrassBeetle, AsparagusBeetle, Bean LeafBeetle, Cereal LeafBeetle, Cucumber/Corn RootwormBeetle, DriedfruitBeetle, Green June, LarvaeBeetle, Japanese, LarvaeBeetle, Mexican BeanBeetle, Southern Corn LeafBeetle, Spotted CucumberBeetle, SunflowerBillbugBillbug, BluegrassBillbug, DenverBillbug, HuntingBoll WeevilBollworm /Cotton BollwormBollworm, PinkBorerBorer, American PlumBorer, Apple BarkBorer, Broad Necked RootBorer, Common CornstalkBorer, DogwoodBorer, Flatheaded AppletreeBorer, Greater PeachtreeBorer, Lesser CornstalkBorer, Lesser PeachtreeBorer, Mint RootBorer, Peach TwigBorer, PeachtreeBorer, Roundheaded AppletreeBudworm, Spruce/Eastern SpruceBudworm, TobaccoButterfly, Painted LadyCabbageworm, ImportedCasebearer, Pecan NutCaterpillar, AlfalfaCaterpillar, SaltmarshCaterpillar, VelvetleafCaterpillar, WoollybearCentipedeChafer, EuropeanChafer, Northern MaskedChafer, Southern MaskedChiggerChinch BugCloverworm, GreenCorn Borer, EuropeanCorn Borer, SouthwesternCrane Fly, EuropeanCricketCricket, MoleCutwormCutworm, ArmyCutworm, ClimbingCutworm, Western BeanEarwigEarworm, CornFilbertwormFireworm, CranberryFleaFlea BeetleFlea Beetle, StripedFlea Beetle, SweetpotatoFlea Beetle, SystenaFleahopper, CottonFruitworm, CranberryFruitworm, SparganothisGnatGrasshopperGreenbugGreenbug, AphidGrubHusk Fly, WalnutKatydidLeafhopperLeafhopper, AvocadoLeafhopper, PotatoLeafminerLeafminer, Alfalfa BlotchLeafperforator, CottonLeafroller, FilbertLeafroller, FruittreeLeafroller, ObliquebandedLeafroller, PandemisLeaftier, OmnivorousMaggot, OnionMaggot, RootMaggot, SeedMaggot, SeedcornMaggot, Sugarbeet RootMealybugMealybug, GrapeMidge, Douglas-fir NeedleMidge, Pine NeedleMidge, SorghumMidge, WheatMillipedeMite, Bermudagrass StuntMite, Brown AlmondMite, Brown WheatMite, Citrus RustMite, CloverMite, European RedMite, Pecan Leaf ScorchMite, Winter GrainMosquitoMoth, Banded SunflowerMoth, CodlingMoth, European Pine ShootMoth, Eyespotted BudMoth, GypsyMoth, LucerneMoth, Strawberry CrownMoth, SunflowerMoth, Western TussockMoth, WinterNeedleminer, SpruceOrangedogOrangeworm, NavelPhylloxeraPlant Bug /Leaf BugPlant Bug, LeaffootedPlant Bug, LygusPlant Bug, TarnishedPrionus, TilehornedPsylla, CitrusPsylla, PearSawfly, European PineScale, BlackScale, Black PineleafScale, Brown SoftScale, California RedScale, ChaffScale, Florida RedScale, LongScale, Pine NeedleScale, Pine TortoiseScale, PurpleScale, San JoseScale, SnowScale, Spruce BudScale, Striped PineScale, WalnutSharpshooter, Glassy WingedShuckworm, HickorySkipper, FierySowbug/PillbugSpanworm, BrownSpider MiteSpider Mite, TwospottedSpittlebugSpittlebug, PineSpringtailStink Bug, Southern GreenSymphylanSymphylan, GardenThripsTickTick, DeerTortrix, OrangeWebwormWebworm, AlfalfaWebworm, FallWebworm, Sod/Lawn MothWeevil, AlfalfaWeevil, Annual BluegrassWeevil, CranberryWeevil, Egyptian AlfalfaWeevil, PalesWeevil, SeedWeevil, StemWeevil, Strawberry/Strawberry BudWhite GrubWhitefly, SilverleafWirewormWoollybears

Temperature range

Min 100 °F

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls over short-sleeved shirt and short pants, Chemical-resistant gloves made out of any waterproof material, Chemical-resistant footware plus socks, Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure.
Personal Protection
Mixers and loaders using a mechanical transfer loading system and applicators using aerial application equipment must wear: • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, • Shoes and socks. In addition to the above, mixers and loaders using a mechanical transfer loading system must wear: • Chemical-resistant gloves, • Chemical-resistant apron, • A NIOSH-approved dust mist filtering respirator with MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-21C or a NIOSH-approved respirator with any R, P, or HE filter. See Engineering Controls for additional requirements. All other mixers, loaders, applicators and handlers must wear: • Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, • Chemical-resistant gloves, • Chemical-resistant apron when mixing or loading or exposed to the concentrate, • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks, • Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure, • A NIOSH-approved dust mist filtering respirator with MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-21C or a NIOSH-approved respirator with any R, P, or HE filter.
Restricted Entry Interval
The REI for each crop is listed in the directions for use associated with each crop. Exception: If the product is soil-injected or soil-incorporated, the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circumstances, allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Should not be exposed to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

May be stored in a warm place

May be frozen