AphidAphid, Black CherryAphid, Black PeachAphid, Green AppleAphid, Green PeachAphid, PlumAphid, Rosy AppleAphid, WalnutMiteMite, Brown AlmondMite, European RedMite, Gall/BlisterMite, Peach SilverMite, RustMite, StrawberryPsylla, PearScaleScale, BlackScale, Brown ApricotScale, Brown SoftScale, CalicoScale, FrostedScale, Italian PearScale, LecaniumScale, OleanderScale, OliveScale, OystershellScale, San JoseScale, SoftSpider Mite, McDanielSpider Mite, PacificSpider Mite, TwospottedWhitefly
AlmondAlmond, Delayed DormantAlmond, DormantAppleApple, Delayed DormantApple, DormantApricotApricot, Delayed DormantApricot, DormantCherryCherry, Delayed DormantCherry, DormantNectarineNectarine, Delayed DormantNectarine, DormantOliveOlive, DormantPeachPeach, Delayed DormantPeach, DormantPearPear, Delayed DormantPear, DormantPistachioPlumPlum, Delayed DormantPlum, DormantPrunePrune, Delayed DormantPrune, DormantWalnutWalnut, Delayed Dormant
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls, Shoes plus socks, and Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material.Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Shoes plus socks, and Chemical-resistant gloves.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Should not be exposed to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen