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Carbaryl Cutworm Bait

Loveland Products, Inc.
SnapshotID: 57543

Active ingredients




- Insecticide- Attractant- Insect Control (All Types)

WSSA mode of action

Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors




Apple, BalsamArracachaArrowrootArtichoke, Chinese/JapaneseArtichoke, JerusalemAsparagusBeet, GardenBeet, SugarBittermelonBroccoliBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBrussels SproutsBurdock, EdibleCabbageCabbage, Chinese Mustard (Gai Choy)Cabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCactus, PricklypearCalabazaCanna, EdibleCantaloupeCarrotCassava, BitterCassava, SweetCauliflowerCavalo BroccoliCeleriac/Celery RootChayote, FruitChayote, RootChervil, Turnip-rootedChicoryChufaCollardsCorn, Field, For Forage/FodderCorn, Field, For GrainCorn, Field, For SilageCorn, PopCorn, SweetCucumberCucumber, ChineseDasheenEggplantFlowering PlantsGherkinGingerGinsengGourd, EdibleGrass, Forage, Fodder, and/or HayGround CherryHechimaHorseradishKaleKohlrabiLerenMelon, CitronMelon, MuskmelonMizunaMomordicaMustard GreensMustard SpinachOkra, ChineseParsley, Turnip-rootedParsnipPasturePear, BalsamPepinoPepper (All Types)Pepper, Bell/GreenPepper, ChiliPepper, CookingPepper, SweetPimentoPistachioPotatoesPumpkinRadishRadish, OrientalRangelandRape GreensRutabagaSalsifySalsify, BlackSalsify, SpanishShrub BedsShrubs, OrnamentalSkirretSquash, AcornSquash, ButternutSquash, CucuzzaSquash, HubbardSquash, HyotanSquash, SpaghettiSquash, SummerSquash, WinterTanierTaroTomatilloTomatoTurmericTurnipVegetables, Brassica Head and StemVegetables, Brassica/Cole (All)Vegetables, CucurbitVegetables, FruitingVegetables, Leafy, BrassicaVegetables, Root (Including Leaves of)Vegetables, Root and TuberWatermelonWaxgourd, Chinese/Chinese Preserving MelonYam BeanYam, True

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls over short-sleeve shirt and short-pants, Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks, Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, and Chemical-resistant headgear if overhead exposure
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Chemical-resistant gloves of ≥ 14 mils thickness, and Shoes plus socks
Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

Should not be stored in a warm place

May be frozen