Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management & plant protection, powered by Greenbook.
SnapshotID: 56267

Active ingredients

Hydrogen PeroxidePeroxyacetic Acid




AlfalfaAlmondAsparagusAthletic FieldsAvocadoAzaleaBananaBean (All Types)Bedding PlantsBeet, Greens (Unspecified)Beet, SugarBenchesBentgrassBermudagrassBluegrassBudwoodBulbsCabbageCanals/Ditches, DrainageCeleryCereal GrainsCoffeeConifersCoolers, GreenhouseCorn, FieldCorn, For SeedCorn, SweetCottonCranberryCucumberCuttingsDip tanksDrench tanksEggplantEquipment AreasEvaporative CoolersEvaporatorsFan BladesFescueFlatsFlooded areaFloorsFlowering PlantsFlowers, CutFruit, All TypesFruit, BerriesFruit, CitrusFruit, PomeFruit, StoneFruit, Tropical and SubtropicalGarlicGlass, GreenhouseGolf Course, FairwaysGolf Course, GreensGolf Course, TeesGrapeGrass, For SeedGreenhouse Benches, BeneathGreenhousesHerbs (EPA Group)HopsIrrigation SystemIrrigation WaterLawns /TurfLeekLettuceLycheeMacadamia NutMangoMelon (All Types)MushroomNon-porous SurfaceNurseriesNursery StockNursery Stock, BarerootNursery Stock, Container, UnderNuts (All Types)OnionOnion, GreenOrnamental PlantsOverhead Watering SystemsPapayaPassionfruitPeaPeanutPepper (All Types)PistachioPlastic SurfacesPomegranatePotato, SweetPotatoesPotsPotting SoilRecycled Water SystemsRhododendronRiceRice, WildRoseRyegrassSeed BedsSeed CropsSeedlingsShrubs, OrnamentalSodSoilSoybeanSpices (EPA Group)St. AugustinegrassStarfruitStorage Areas, EquipmentStorage TanksStrawberrySugarcaneTobaccoTomatoTraysTrees, OrnamentalTrees, ShadeVegetablesVegetables, Brassica/Cole (All)Vegetables, ChineseVegetables, CucurbitVegetables, LeafyVegetables, LegumeVegetables, Root (Including Leaves of)Vegetables, Root/Tuber, GreensVentilation holesWalkways, GreenhouseWallsWalnutWash tanksWheatWoody Ornamentals

Temperature range

Min 86F

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
coveralls worn over long-sleeved shirt and pants, waterproof gloves and shoes plus socks
Personal Protection
Applicators and handlers must wear coveralls over long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and chemical resistant footwear plus socks. When mixing and loading wear a chemical resistant apron. For overhead exposure wear chemical-resistant headgear. Wear protective eyewear (goggles, face shield, or safety glasses), and chemical resistant gloves. When cleaning equipment wear a chemical resistant apron.
Restricted Entry Interval
4 hours


Should not be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

May be stored in a damp place

Should not be stored in a warm place

May be frozen