SnapshotID: 65068
Active ingredients
- Fungicide- Insecticide- Larvicide- Restricted Use PesticidesWSSA mode of action
C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesisRegistration
Aerial Web BlightAggregate Sheath SpotAntAnthracnoseAphidAphid, Bird Cherry-oatAphid, Corn LeafAphid, English GrainAphid, Russian WheatAphid, SoybeanAphid, WalnutAphid, Yellow SugarcaneArmywormArmyworm, BeetArmyworm, FallArmyworm, TrueArmyworm, YellowstripedBarley ScaldBarley StripeBeetle, Bean LeafBeetle, BlisterBeetle, Cereal LeafBeetle, JapaneseBeetle, WhitefringedBlack Sheath RotBorer, Lesser CornstalkBorer, Mexican RiceBorer, Peach TwigBorer, Rice StalkBorer, SugarcaneBrown Leaf SpotBrown Rot Blossom BlightBrown SpotBudworm, TobaccoBug, LeaffootedCasebearer, PecanCaterpillar, SaltmarshCaterpillar, Thistle Caterpillar, VelvetbeanCaterpillar, WoollybearChinch BugCloverworm, GreenCorn Borer, EuropeanCorn Borer, SouthwesternCutwormCutworm, ArmyCutworm, GranulateCutworm, Western BeanDowny SpotEarly Leaf SpotEarworm, CornEastern Filbert BlightErgotEyespotFalse Loose SmutFilbertwormFlea BeetleFly, HessianFoliar DiseaseFoot RotFrogeye Leaf SpotGlume BlotchGrasshopperGray Leaf SpotGreenbugHead Blight, FusariumHopper, Threecornered AlfalfaHusk Fly, WalnutKernel SmutLate Leaf SpotLeaf BlightLeaf Blight, HelminthosporiumLeaf SmutLeafhopperLeafhopper, PotatoLeafrollerLiver SpotLooper, CabbageLooper, SoybeanMidge, Orange Blossom WheatMidge, Rice SeedMidge, SorghumMiteMoth, CodlingNarrow Brown Leaf SpotNet BlotchNorthern Corn Leaf BlightNorthern Corn Leaf SpotOrangeworm, NavelPainted LadyPanicle BlightPeanutworm, RedneckedPhylloxera, PecanPlant Bug /Leaf BugPowdery MildewRootworm, Southern CornRustRust, SoybeanSawfly, GrassScab, PecanSharpshooterSheath BlightSheath SpotShoot BlightSkipper, SilverspottedSouthern Corn Leaf BlightSouthern Stem Rot/Bulb and Stem RotSpider MiteSpittlebug, PecanSpot BlotchStem RotStink BugStink Bug, RiceTan SpotThripsThrips, TobaccoVein SpotWeb BlotchWebwormWeevil, PecanWeevil, Rice WaterWeevil, VegetableZonate Leaf Spot
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls over short-sleeved shirt and short pants, Chemical-resistant gloves such as barrier laminate, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber or Viton ≥ 14 mils, Chemical resistant footwear plus socks, Protective eyewear, Chemical resistant headgear for overhead exposurePersonal Protection
Wear a NIOSH approved particulate respirator with an R or P filter with NIOSH approval number prefix TC – 84A. Wear protective eyewear, goggles or faceshield, Long-sleeved shirt and Long pants, socks, shoes and chemical resistant gloves such as Barrier Laminate, Butyl Rubber, Nitrile Rubber, Vitron.Restricted Entry Interval
24 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen