SnapshotID: 65413
Active ingredients
- FungicideWSSA mode of action
C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesisRegistration
Aerial Web BlightAggregate Sheath SpotAnthracnoseBarley ScaldBarley StripeBlack Sheath RotBlack Spot, RoseBlightBrown Leaf SpotBrown PatchBrown Rot Blossom BlightBrown Rot, FruitBrown Rot/Brown Rot BlightBrown RustBrown SpotCane SpotCottonballDollar SpotDowny SpotEarly BlightEarly Leaf SpotEastern Filbert BlightErgotEyespotFlower BlightFoliar DiseaseFoot RotFrogeye Leaf SpotFusarium PatchGlume BlotchGray Leaf SpotGray Snow MoldGreasy SpotHead Blight, FusariumKernel SmutLarge PatchLate BlightLate Leaf SpotLeaf BlightLeaf Blight, HelminthosporiumLeaf RustLeaf SmutLeaf SpotLeaf Spot and BlightLeaf Spot, AlternariaLeaf Spot, CercosporaLeaf Spot, CherryLeaf Spot, SeptoriaLiver SpotMelting OutMummyberry DiseaseNarrow Brown Leaf SpotNecrotic Ring Spot/Spring Dead SpotNeedle RustNet BlotchNorthern Corn Leaf BlightNorthern Corn Leaf SpotOrange Rust Panicle BlightPineapple Butt RotPineapple DiseasePink PatchPink Snow MoldPowdery MildewPurple BlotchRay Blight, ChrysanthemumRed ThreadRustRust, DichondraRust, SoybeanScabScab, PecanSheath BlightSheath SpotShoot BlightSigatoka, BlackSouthern Corn Leaf BlightSouthern Stem Rot/Bulb and Stem RotSpot BlotchSpring Dead SpotStem CankerStem RotStripe SmutSummer/Poa PatchTake-all-patch/Spring Dead SpotTan SpotTip BlightTip Blight, DiplodiaVein SpotWeb BlightWeb BlotchYellow PatchZonate Leaf SpotZoysia Patch
AlmondAmelanchierApple, NonbearingApricotAshAzaleaBananaBarleyBayberryBeechnutBeet, SugarBingleberryBlackberry (All Types)Blueberry (All Types)BoysenberryBrazil NutButternut (Tree Nut)Calamondin, NonbearingCalendulaCamelliaCarnationCarrotCashewCherry, NonbearingCherry, Sour/TartCherry, Sweet/MazzardChestnutChinquapinChironja, NonbearingChrysanthemumCitron, Citrus, NonbearingCorn, FieldCorn, For SeedCorn, PopCorn, SweetCotoneasterCrabappleCrabapple, NonbearingCranberryCrape MyrtleCurrantDelphiniumDewberryDogwoodElderberryElmEschalot, GreenEuonymousFilbertFir, DouglasFir, ShastaFruit, Citrus, Hybrid, NonbearingFruit, Citrus, NonbearingFruit, StoneGarlicGomphrenaGooseberryGrapefruit, NonbearingGrass, For SeedGrass/Turf, Cool SeasonHawthornHazelnutHickoryHollyHuckleberryImpatiens /Touch-me-notIrisIvy, EnglishJuneberryJuniperKumquat, NonbearingLawns /TurfLeekLemon, NonbearingLilacLime, NonbearingLindenLingonberryLoganberryLowberryMacadamia NutMagnoliaMapleMarigoldMarionberryMonardaNectarineNectarine, NonbearingOakOatOlallie BerryOnionOnion, Bulb/Dry BulbOnion, GreenOnion, Japanese BunchingOnion, Scallion (All Types)Onion, SpringOrange, Mandarin, NonbearingOrange, Satsuma Mandarin, NonbearingOrange, Sour, NonbearingOrange, Sweet, NonbearingPeachPeanutPear, BartlettPecanPecan, NonbearingPeppermintPhloxPhotinia, Fraser/Red TipPinePineapplePistachioPlantainPlumPlum, NonbearingPlumcotPoplarPrunePummelo, NonbearingPyracanthaRaspberry, BlackRaspberry, RedRhaphiolepsisRhododendronRiceRoseRyeSalalSeedlingsShallot, Dry BulbShallots, GreenSnapdragonSorghum, ForageSorghum, GrainSoybeanSpearmintStrawberrySugarcaneSweet WilliamSweetgumSycamoreTangelo, NonbearingTangerine, NonbearingTangor, NonbearingTriticaleTulip Tree, AmericanVegetable, Leafy PetioleWalnutWalnut, NonbearingWax Myrtle, SouthernWheatYoungberryZinnia
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls Shoes plus socks, and Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material.Personal Protection
All handlers must wear: Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Shoes and socks, and Chemical-resistant gloves. In addition, all handlers (mixers, loaders, and applicators, or individuals performing one or more of these tasks), who are applying this pesticide using hand-held equipment must wear: Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Shoes and socks, and Chemical resistant gloves. All handlers using propiconazole as a seed piece treatment must wear: Chemical resistant gloves and A chemical resistant apron.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours Exception: If the product is soil-injected or soil-incorporated, the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circumstances, allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen