SnapshotID: 41556
Active ingredients
Soluble PotashAmmoniacal NitrogenAvailable Phosphoric AcidTotal Phosphoric AcidRegistration
AlmondAnnualsAppleAvocadoBean (All Types)Bedding PlantsBeet, SugarBentgrassBermudagrassBlackberry (All Types)BluegrassBluegrass, AnnualBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCalabreseCaneberryCauliflowerCentipedegrassCorn (All Types)CottonCucumberEggplantEvergreen TreesFescueFlowers, CutFoliage PlantsFruit, CitrusFruit, PomeFruit, StoneGolf CourseGrapeGrape, TableGrape, WineGrass/Turf, Cool Season/NorthernGrass/Turf, Warm Season/SouthernHopsKiwiLawns/Turf, Commercial/Public AreasLettuceMelon (All Types)Nuts (All Types)OlivePeaPeachPearPepper (All Types)PerennialsPlumPotatoesRaspberryRyegrassShrubs, OrnamentalSod ProductionSpinachSt. AugustinegrassStrawberryTomatoTrees, Decidious, Plantation and NurseryVegetables, BulbVegetables, LeafyVegetables, Root and TuberWalnutZoysiagrass
Temperature range
Min 32FMax
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Not ApplicablePersonal Protection
Wear protective eyewear (goggles or face shield), chemical-resistant gloves, long-sleeved shirt and long pants, and shoes plus socks.Restricted Entry Interval
Not ApplicablePrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
Should not be stored in a warm place
May be frozen