Amaranth, PalmerBarnyardgrass/WatergrassBluegrass, AnnualBrachiariaBuckwheat, WildBuffalograssCarpetweedCatchfly, Sand/ConicalChickweed, CommonColoradograssCrabgrassCrabgrass, Hairy/LargeCrabgrass, Smooth/SmallCupgrass, WoollyFiddleneck, TarweedFoxtail /Bottlegrass/PigeongrassFoxtail, GiantFoxtail, GreenFoxtail, YellowGroundcherry, AnnualGroundcherry, LanceleafHenbitJohnsongrass, SeedlingJunglericeKochiaLambsquarters, CommonMillet, FoxtailNightshade, AnnualNightshade, BlackNightshade, Eastern BlackNightshade, HairyOat, WildPanicum, FallPanicum, TexasPigweedPigweed, ProstratePigweed, RedrootPigweed, SmoothPigweed, TumblePurslane, CommonPusley, FloridaRockpurslane, RedmaidsRyegrass, Italian/Annual/CommonSandbur, CoastalSandbur, FieldSignalgrass, BroadleafSorghum, VolunteerThistle, RussianWildcaneWitchgrass
Aster, StokesBeanBean, AdzukiBean, AsparagusBean, BlackBean, BroadBean, Chinese LongBean, CranberryBean, Dry (All Types)Bean, FieldBean, FrenchBean, GardenBean, GoaBean, Great NorthernBean, GreenBean, KidneyBean, LablabBean, Lima (All or Unspecified)Bean, MothBean, MungBean, NavyBean, PinkBean, PintoBean, RedBean, RiceBean, Scarlet RunnerBean, TeparyBean, UrdBean, YardlongBean, YellowBeansBorageCalendula, For OilseedCanolaCastor Oil PlantCatjangChickpea/Garbanzo BeanCowpeaCrambeCupheaDaylily BulbEchiumEuphorbiaFlax SeedFritillaria, BulbGarlicGarlic, Greatheaded/ElephantGold of PleasureGuar/Guar BeanJackbeanJojobaLentilLesquerellaLily BulbLunariaLupin, GrainLupin, SweetLupin, WhiteLupin, White SweetMeadowfoamMilkweedMustard, For SeedMustard, Hares EarMustard, YellowNigerOilseed CropsOnion, Bulb/Dry BulbOnion, ChineseOnion, PearlOnion, PotatoPeaPea, Black-eyedPea, CrowderPea, DryPea, FieldPea, GardenPea, GreenPea, PigeonPea, SouthernPeanutPoppy SeedPrimrose, EveningRadish, OilRape, For Oil/RapeseedRose HipsSafflowerSerpent Garlic BulbShallot, Dry BulbSoybeanSunflower, OilSwordbeanTallow Tree, ChineseTallowwoodTea Tree OilVelvet BeanVernonia (Ironweed)
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, butyl rubber ≥14 mils, nitrile rubber ≥14 mils, neoprene rubber ≥14 mils, natural rubber ≥14 mils, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride ≥14 mils, or Viton ≥14 mils Shoes plus socks Protective eyewearPersonal Protection
Applicators and other handlers must wear: Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, butyl rubber ≥14 mils, nitrile rubber ≥14 mils, neoprene rubber ≥14 mils, natural rubber ≥14 mils, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride ≥14 mils, or Viton ≥14 mils Shoes plus socks Protective eyewear In addition to the above PPE, all handlers for use on bulb onions (crop subgroup 3-07A) must also wear: A minimum of a NIOSH-approved particulate filtering facepiece respirator with any N, R, or P filter; OR a NIOSH-approved elastomeric particulate respirator with any N, R, or P filter; OR a NIOSH-approved powered air-purifying respirator with an HE filterRestricted Entry Interval
24 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen