SnapshotID: 45195
Active ingredients
- Herbicide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated- Herbicide, Postemergence- Herbicide, PreemergenceWSSA mode of action
8Inhibition of lipid synthesis - not ACCase inhibitionRegistration
Barley, VolunteerBarnyardgrass/WatergrassBermudagrassBermudagrass, SeedlingBluegrass, AnnualCarpetweedChickweed, CommonCrabgrassDeadnettleFiddleneckFoxtail, GiantFoxtail, GreenFoxtail, yellowGoosefoot, NettleleafGoosegrassHenbitJohnsongrass, SeedlingJunglericeLambsquarters, CommonMorningglory, Tall/CommonMugwortNightshade, BlackNightshade, CutleafNightshade, HairyNutsedgeNutsedge, PurpleNutsedge, YellowOat, Volunteer/Inter-seededOat, WildPanicum, FallPanicum, TexasPigweed, ProstratePigweed, RedrootPigweed, TumblePurslane, CommonPusley, FloridaQuackgrassRescuegrass /Rescue BromeRyegrass, Italian/Annual/CommonSandbur, FieldShattercaneSicklepodSida, Prickly/SpinySignalgrassSpurry, CornStinkgrassWheat, VolunteerWitchgrass
AgeratumAjugaAlfalfaAlfalfa, EstablishedAlfalfa, SeedlingAlmondAlyssumAmaranthAsterAzaleaBalsamBarberryBean, Dry (All Types)Bean, GreenBean, White/Small WhiteBeet, SugarBegoniaBoxwoodCamelliaCastorbeanChrysanthemumCitrus, NonbearingCloverClover, LadinoCottonCypress, FalseDahliaDaylilyDianthusDogwoodEuonymousFirGazaniaGrapefruit, NonbearingGrapefruit, Nursery StockHemlockHolly, AmericanHolly, Japanese/Box-leavedIceplantIvyJuniperLemon, NonbearingLemon, Nursery StockLespedezaLeucothoeLilacLindenMagnoliaMapleMarigoldNasturtiumOakOrange, NonbearingOrange, Nursery StockPachysandraPansyPeriwinklePeriwinkle, CommonPetuniaPierisPinePine Nursery and PlantationPine SeedlingPine, LoblollyPine, Longleaf/Southern YellowPine, ShortleafPine, SlashPodocarpusPotato, Irish/WhitePotato, SweetRhododendronSafflowerSedum /Stonecrop/OrpineSpruceSt.-John's-wortStrawberrySunflowerTomatoTransplantsTrefoil, BirdsfootViburnumWalnutYewZinnia
Temperature range
Min minus 50FMax
Product safety
Early entry
coveralls, chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, or viton, shoes plus socks, and protective eyewear.Personal Protection
Mixers and Loaders exposed to the concentrate must wear: • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants • Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile gloves or neoprene rubber or viton • Chemical-resistant footwear and socks • Chemical-resistant apron • Protective eyewear Applicators and other handlers exposed to the diluted product must wear: • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants • Shoes plus socks In addition to the above PPE, applicators using back pack or hand-held or push type equipment must wear chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile gloves or neoprene rubber or viton. In addition to long-sleeved shirt and shoes and socks, applicators applying dry bulk fertilizer with a specialized truck designed to treat more than 80 acres must wear a NIOSH approved respirator with an (OV) cartridge, or a canister with any N, R, P, or HE prefilter. In addition to long-sleeved shirt and shoes and socks, loaders supporting aerial application must wear a NIOSH approved respirator with an (OV) cartridge, or a canister with any N, R, P, or HE prefilter. In addition to long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile gloves or neoprene rubber or viton, chemical-resistant footwear and socks, chemical-resistant apron, and protective eyewear; persons Mixing and Loading into chemigation systems, must wear a NIOSH approved respirator with an (OV) cartridge, and a canister with any N, R, P, or HE prefilter.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen