SnapshotID: 49238
Active ingredients
- Fungicide- Insecticide- LarvicideWSSA mode of action
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitorsRegistration
AntArmywormBeetle, Northern Corn RootwormBeetle, SeedcornBeetle, Southern Corn RootwormBeetle, Sweet Potato LeafBeetle, Western Corn RootwormBillbugBorer, Lesser CornstalkChinch BugCorn Borer, EuropeanCorn Borer, SouthwesternCricket, MoleCutwormFlea BeetleFlea Beetle, SystenaGrubLeafhopper, PotatoMaggot, OnionMaggot, RootMaggot, SeedcornMaggot, Sugarbeet RootRootworm, CornRootworm, Northern CornRootworm, Southern CornRootworm, Western CornSouthern BlightSymphylanWhite MoldWireworm
AlfalfaAsparagusBeet, SugarBroccoliBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBrussels SproutsCabbageCabbage, Chinese (Unspecified)Cabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCauliflowerCitrusCollardsCorn, FieldCorn, For FeedCorn, SweetKaleKohlrabiOnion, Bulb/Dry BulbOrchard FloorsPeanutPotato, SweetRadishRutabagaSorghumSorghum, Grain/Milo, StoredSoybeanSunflowerTobaccoTurnip
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls over short-sleeved shirt and short pants, chemicalresistant footwear plus socks, chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material, and chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure.Personal Protection
Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant footwear plus socks and a NIOSH-approved dust/mist filtering respirator with MSHA/NIOSH approved number prefix TC-21C or NIOSH-approved respirator with any R, P, or HE filter.Restricted Entry Interval
Exception: If the product is injected or incorporated into the soil, the WPS allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated under certain circumstances.Precautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
Should not be stored in a warm place
May be frozen