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Lontrel Turf and Ornamental

Corteva Agriscience
  • (515) 535-3200
  • 974 Centre Road, US-DE, Wilmington, 19805
SnapshotID: 40534

Active ingredients

Clopyralid Monoethanolamine Salt



- Herbicide, Postemergence- Herbicide

WSSA mode of action

4Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins)




Arborvitae, American/White CedarArborvitae, Nigra-dark AmericanAzalea, Hino CrimsonBahiagrassBahiagrass, For SeedBahiagrass, SodBentgrassBentgrass FairwaysBentgrass, For SeedBermudagrassBermudagrass, For SeedBermudagrass, SodBluegrass, KentuckyBluegrass, Kentucky, For SeedBluestem, Blaze LittleBottlebrushBoxwood, Littleleaf/KoreanBuffalograssBuffalograss, SodCentipedegrassCentipedegrass, For SeedCentipedegrass, SodChristmas Tree, Plantation and NurseryCinquefoil, ShrubbyDichondraDichondra, For SeedDogwood, FloweringFeathertopFescue, ChewingsFescue, Chewings, For SeedFescue, Creeping RedFescue, Creeping Red, For SeedFescue, SheepFescue, TallFescue, Tall, For SeedFescue, Tall, SodFir, BalsamFir, DouglasFir, FraserFir, Grand/Giant/LowlandFir, NobleGrama, BlueGrass, Adagio MiscanthusGrass, Autumn MoorGrass, Autumn Red FlameGrass, Blue LymeGrass, Blue moorGrass, Dwarf’s Garters RibbonGrass, Fountain/Chinese PennisetumGrass, Gardener’s GartersGrass, Hamein FountainGrass, Japanese BloodGrass, Karl Foerster Feather ReedGrass, Korean Feather ReedGrass, MaidenGrass, Moudry FountainGrass, PampasGrass, Pink Crystals RubyGrass, Ponytails Feather MexicanGrass, Purple FountainGrass, RavennaGrass, Rosea PampasGrass, Sarabande MiscanthusGrass, Sod ProductionGrass, Strawberry/Cream RibbonGrass, Striped Tuber OatGrass, Trailblazer SwitchGrass, Trailway Side-oatGrass, Tufted HairGrass, Variegated MiscanthusGrass, White Flowering FountainGrass, ZebraGrass/Turf, Warm Season/SouthernIceplantJuniper, Blue RugJuniper, Blue StarJuniper, ShoreKikuyagrassKikuyugrassKikuyugrass, For SeedLilyMaple, RedMyoporum, ProstrateNon-crop AreasNurseriesOak, RedOak, WillowOat, Northern SeaOrnamental PlantsPaspalum, SeashorePine, LodgepolePine, Mugho/MountainPine, Ponderosa/Western YellowPine, ScotchPine, White/Eastern WhitePlantings, LandscapeQuakinggrass, PerennialRhododendron, Roseum ElegansRoadsideRose, Baby Sun/Red AppleRyegrass, PerennialRyegrass, Perennial, For SeedSpiraea, Anthony WatererSpruce, Colorado/Blue/KosterSpruce, NorwaySpruce, White/Black Hills/AlbertaSt. AugustinegrassSt. Augustinegrass, For SeedSt. Augustinegrass, SodSycamore, American/EasternTurf, Industrial/UnimprovedYew, Media Hybrids/AnglojapZoysiagrassZoysiagrass, JaponicaZoysiagrass, Tenifolia

Temperature range

Min 28°F

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material Shoes plus socks Protective eyewear
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material Shoes plus socks Protective eyewear
Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

May be stored in a damp place

May be stored in a warm place

May be frozen