SnapshotID: 45460
Active ingredients
- FumigantWSSA mode of action
Miscellaneous nonspecific (multi-site) inhibitorsRegistration
Product safety
Early entry
Not ApplicablePersonal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves. Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are nitrile and butyl. For more options, follow the instructions for category F on the chemical-resistance category selection chart. Protective eyewear or face shield. Do NOT wear goggles. Respiratory Protection: When air concentrations exceed a level of 0.1 ppm, wear NIOSH or MSHA approved positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA, not SCUBA) or combination air-supplied/SCBA respirator such as manufactured by Ranger, Survivair, Scott, or MSA. Persons applying chloropicrin must wear either a positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or combination air-supplied/SCBA when applying chloropicrin to more than two chloropicrin introduction points within a single fumigated structure.Restricted Entry Interval
Not ApplicablePrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks
May be stored in a damp place
May be stored in a warm place
May be frozen