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Serenade ASO

Bayer CropScience
SnapshotID: 57395

Active ingredients

Bacillus subtilis, Strain QST 713




Aerial Stem RotAngular Leaf SpotAnthracnoseAphanomyces DiseaseAspergillus FungiBacterial BightBacterial BlastBacterial BlightBacterial Blight, HaloBacterial CankerBacterial Canker, PrunusBacterial Fruit BlotchBacterial Leaf SpotBacterial Leaf StreakBacterial PustuleBacterial RotBacterial SpeckBacterial SpotBacterial StreakBacterial WiltBitter RotBlack Crown RotBlack DotBlack Root RotBlack RotBlack ShankBlack Stem, SpringBlastBlightBlight, BotrytisBlight, WalnutBlight/Leaf BlightBlue MoldBot RotBotrytis DiseasesBrooks Fruit SpotBrown RotBrown Rot Blossom BlightBrown Rot, FruitBrown RustBrown SpotBuck-eye RotBulls Eye RotCedar-apple RustCharcoal RotCitrus CankerClubrootCoffee Berry DiseaseColletotrichum DiseasesCommon ScabCylindrocladium DiseasesDowny MildewDowny Mildew, Peronospora/RoseEarly BlightEarly Leaf SpotErwinia DiseaseEutypaFire BlightFlyspeckFruit Drop, PostbloomFruit RotFruit Rot, AnthracnoseFruit Rot/Black MoldFusarium DiseasesGray MoldGray Mold/Gray Mold RotGreasy SpotGummy Stem BlightHead Drop, SclerotiniaKernel SmutLate BlightLate Leaf SpotLeaf BlightLeaf Drop, SclerotiniaLeaf RustLeaf SpotLeaf Spot and BlightLeaf Spot, AlternariaLeaf Spot, CercosporaLeaf Spot, CherryLeaf Spot, StrawberryMacrophomina DiseaseMelanoseMummyberry DiseaseNeck RotNorthern Leaf BlightOak Root FungusOlive KnotPhomopsisPhytophthora DiseasesPin RotPink RootPink RotPod and Stem BlightPod and Stem blightPowdery MildewPurple BlotchPythium DiseasesRamularia DiseasesRhizoctonia DiseasesRoot RotRustRust, Asian SoybeanRust, AsparagusRust/Common RustRusty SpotScabScab, PecanSclerotinia DiseaseSclerotinia DiseasesSclerotium Rolfsii DiseasesSheath BlightSheath SpotShotholeSigatoka, BlackSooty MoldSooty Mold/Sooty BlotchSour RotSouthern BlightSouthern Corn Leaf BlightSpot, AlternariaStem RotTan SpotTarget SpotVerticillium DahliaeVerticillium DiseasesVine DeclineWeb BlotchWhite MoldWhite Mold, Sclerotiorum/WiltWhite RustWilt, Verticillium

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls Waterproof or Chemical-resistant Gloves Shoes plus socks
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Waterproof or Chemical-resistant Gloves Shoes plus socks Mixers/loaders and applicators must wear a minimum of a NIOSH-approved particulate filtering facepiece respirator with any N, R, or P filter; OR a NIOSH-approved elastomeric particulate respirator with any N, R, or P filter; OR a NIOSH-approved powered air- purifying respirator with an HE filter.
Restricted Entry Interval
4 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

May be stored in a warm place

May be frozen

Supplemental Labels
  • Reduced application rates recommended for select field crops for in-furrow applications (all registered states EXCEPT for NH)
  • New applications use recommendation of Serenade ASO as a soil drench on immature citrus (CA,FL)
  • SERENADE ASO is recommended to suppress Citrus Canker on Citrus (FL)