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Proline 480 SC

Bayer CropScience
SnapshotID: 45809

Active ingredients




- Fungicide

WSSA mode of action

C14-demethylation in sterol biosynthesis




Apple, BalsamAronia BerryArugulaBarberry, EuropeanBarleyBean, AdzukiBean, Broad, DryBean, FieldBean, KidneyBean, LablabBean, MothBean, MungBean, NavyBean, PintoBean, RiceBean, TeparyBean, UrdBearberryBeet, SugarBeet, Table, For SeedBilberryBittermelonBlueberry, HighbushBlueberry, LowbushBorageBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBroccoli, For SeedBrussels SproutsBuckthorn, SeaBuckwheatCabbageCabbage, AbyssinianCabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCalabazaCanolaCantaloupeCantaloupe, TrueCatjangCauliflower, For SeedChayote, FruitChickpea/Garbanzo BeanCloudberryCollards, For SeedConifersCorn, FieldCorn, Field, For SeedCorn, PopCorn, SweetCottonCowpeaCrambeCranberryCranberry, HighbushCucumberCucumber, ChineseCupheaCurrant, BlackCurrant, BuffaloCurrant, NativeCurrant, RedEchium (vipers bugloss)ElderberryFlaxGherkinGold of PleasureGooseberryGourd, EdibleGuar/Guar BeanGuava, ChileanHardwood NurseryHechimaHoneysuckle, EdibleHuckleberryJostaberryJuneberryKale, For SeedKohlrabi, For SeedLentilLesquerellaLingonberryLunariaLupin, GrainLupin, SweetLupin, WhiteLupin, White SweetMeadowfoamMelon, CasabaMelon, CitronMelon, CrenshawMelon, Golden PershawMelon, HoneyballMelon, HoneydewMelon, MangomelonMelon, MuskmelonMelon, PersianMelon, PineappleMelon, Santa ClausMelon, SnakeMillet, PearlMillet, ProsoMomordicaMuntriesMustard Greens, For SeedMustard SpinachMustard, FieldMustard, Hares EarMustard, WhiteMustard, YellowOatOkra, ChinesePartridgeberryPeaPea, Black-eyedPea, CrowderPea, FieldPea, PigeonPea, SouthernPeanutPear, BalsamPinePine, LoblollyPine, Longleaf/Southern YellowPine, ShortleafPine, SlashPoppy SeedPumpkinRadish, DaikonRadish, For SeedRape GreensRape, For Oil/RapeseedRapeseed, IndianRutabaga, For SeedRyeSalalSaskatoon, BerrySesameSoybeanSpinach, For SeedSquash, AcornSquash, ButternutSquash, CrookneckSquash, CucuzzaSquash, HubbardSquash, HyotanSquash, ScallopSquash, SpaghettiSquash, StraightneckSquash, SummerSquash, Vegetable MarrowSquash, WinterSquash, ZucchiniSweet RocketSwiss Chard, For SeedTriticaleTurnip, For SeedVegetables, Brassica/Cole, For SeedWatermelonWaxgourd, Chinese/Chinese Preserving MelonWheat, DurumWheat, Spring SeededWheat, Winter

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material. Shoes plus socks
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical resistant gloves made of any waterproof material Shoes plus socks
Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

Should not be stored in a warm place

May be frozen

Supplemental Labels
  • For the Management of Blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) in Canola. (KS, MN, MT, ND, OK, SD)
  • Peanut emergence for broad-spectrum disease control (various states)
  • For Suppression of Fusarium and Gibberella Ear Rots on Field Corn, Field Corn Grown for Seed and Popcorn (various states)
  • For Suppression of Sclerotinia Stem Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in Soybean (various states)
  • For Suppression of Sclerotinia Stem Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in Soybean (NY)
  • For use on Corn (various states)
  • For Suppression of Black Leg (Leptosphaeria maculans) and Chlorotic leaf spot (Cylindrosporium concentricum) in Brassicaceae Grown For Seed - OR
  • For Suppression of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium spp.) in Spinach Grown For Seed - OR
  • For Suppression of Phoma Leaf Spot and Root Rot (Phoma betae) in Table Beet and Swiss Chard Grown for Seed - WA
  • For Suppression of Black Leg (Leptosphaeria maculans) in Listed Brassica Crops Grown For Seed - WA
  • For Suppression of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium spp.) in Spinach Grown For Seed - WA