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Bayer CropScience
SnapshotID: 53530

Active ingredients




- Insecticide- Ovicide- Larvicide- Aphicide- Restricted Use Pesticides

WSSA mode of action

Sodium channel modulators




AntAphidAphid, Black PecanAphid, Cotton/MelonAphid, HopAphidsAppleworm, LesserArmywormArmyworm, BeetArmyworm, SouthernArmyworm, Western YellowstripedBeetle, Bean LeafBeetle, Colorado PotatoBeetle, Cucumber/Corn RootwormBeetle, Fuller RoseBeetle, Grape BudBeetle, Green JuneBeetle, JapaneseBeetle, May/JuneBeetle, Mexican BeanBeetle, Pea LeafBlackflyBoll WeevilBollworm /Cotton BollwormBollworm, PinkBorer, American PlumBorer, Lesser PeachtreeBorer, Peach TwigBug, LeaffootedBug, LygusCabbageworm, ImportedCabbageworm, SouthernCasebearer, Pecan NutCaterpillar, SaltmarshCaterpillar, VelvetbeanCaterpillar, WoollybearChafer, RoseCicada, PeriodicalCloverworm, GreenCorn Borer, EuropeanCurculio, CowpeaCurculio, PlumCutwormCutworm, ClimbingCutworm, VariegatedDrosophila, Spotted WingEarwigEarwig, European/CommonEarworm, CornFilbertwormFlea BeetleFlea Beetle, GrapeFlea Beetle, HopFleahopperFruit Fly, Cherry/Cherry MaggotFruit Fly, Western CherryFruitworm, GreenFruitworm, TomatoGallmaker, Grape CaneGrasshopperHopper, Threecornered AlfalfaHornworm, TomatoHusk Fly, WalnutKatydidLeaf Webber, BeanLeaffolder, GrapeLeafhopperLeafhopper, PotatoLeafhopper, Southern GardenLeafhoppersLeafminerLeafminer, Spotted TentiformLeafminer, Western TentiformLeafperforator, CottonLeafroller, AppleLeafroller, GrapeLeafroller, ObliquebandedLeafroller, OmnivorousLeafroller, PandemisLeafroller, RedbandedLeafroller, VariegatedLeafworm, CottonLooper, AlfalfaLooper, CabbageLooper, HopMaggot, AppleMaggot, CabbageMaggot, SeedcornMealybugMoth, Apple ErmineMoth, CodlingMoth, Grape BerryMoth, Oriental FruitMoth, Tufted Apple BudOrangeworm, NavelPeanutworm, RedneckedPhylloxeraPinworm, TomatoPlant Bug /Leaf BugPlant Bug, HopPlant Bug, TarnishedPodwormPsyllid, Asian CitrusPsyllid, Potato/TomatoRootworm, CornSawfly, European AppleSawfly, PearScaleScale, CrawlersScale, San JoseSharpshooterSharpshooter, Glassy WingedShuckworm, HickorySkeletonizer, GrapeleafSkeletonizer, Western GrapeleafSkipper, SilverspottedSlug, PearSpiderSpittlebugSpittlebug, MeadowStink BugStink Bug, Brown MarmoratedSymphylan, GardenThripsThrips, ChilliThrips, PalmiTortrix, OrangeTuberworm, PotatoWebwormWebworm, CabbageWebworm, Garden Weevil, CarrotWeevil, PeaWeevil, PecanWeevil, PepperWeevil, RootWeevil, SweetpotatoWeevil, VegetableWhiteflyWhitefly, Sweetpotato


Amaranth, ChineseAmaranth, LeafyAppleApricotArracachaArrowrootArrugulaArtichoke, Chinese/JapaneseArtichoke, JerusalemArugulaBeanBean, AdzukiBean, BroadBean, Broad, DryBean, FieldBean, KidneyBean, LablabBean, Lima, DryBean, MothBean, MungBean, NavyBean, PintoBean, RiceBean, TeparyBean, UrdBeansBeechnutBrazil NutBroccoliBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBrussels SproutsButternut (Tree Nut)CabbageCabbage, Chinese Mustard (Gai Choy)Cabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCalamondinCanna, EdibleCarrotCashewCassava, BitterCassava, SweetCatjangCauliflowerCavalo BroccoliCavalo BroccoloChayote, RootCherryCherry, Sour/TartCherry, Sweet/MazzardChervilChestnutChickpea/Garbanzo BeanChicory, RedChinquapinChironjaChrysanthemum, Edible-leavedChrysanthemum, GarlandChufaCitron, CitrusCollardsCorn SaladCottonCowpeaCrabappleCress, GardenCress, UplandCress, WinterDandelionDandelion, GreensDasheenDock (Sorrel)EggplantEndive/ChicoryEscaroleFilbertFruit, CitrusFruit, Citrus, HybridFruit, PomeGingerGrapeGrape, MuscadineGrape, RaisinGrape, TableGrape, WineGrapefruitGround CherryGroundcherryGuar/Guar BeanHazelnutHickory NutHopsKaleKohlrabiKumquatLemonLentilLerenLettuce, HeadLettuce, LeafLimeLoquatLupinLupin, GrainLupin, SweetLupin, WhiteLupin, White SweetMacadamia NutMayhaws (All Types)MizunaMustard GreensMustard SpinachNectarineOrachOrange, MandarinOrange, Satsuma MandarinOrange, SourOrange, SweetParsleyPeaPea, Black-eyedPea, CrowderPea, DwarfPea, EnglishPea, FieldPea, GardenPea, GreenPea, PigeonPea, SouthernPeachPeanutPearPear, OrientalPecanPepinoPepper (All Types)Pepper, Bell/GreenPepper, ChiliPepper, CookingPepper, SweetPimentoPistachioPlumPlum, ChickasawPlum, DamsonPlum, JapanesePlumcotPotato, SweetPotatoesPrunePummeloPurslane, GardenPurslane, WinterQuinceRadicchioRadishRape GreensRapiniSapote, WhiteSoybeanSpinachSpinach, ChineseSpinach, IndianSpinach, MalabarSpinach, New ZealandSpinach, VineTampalaTangeloTangerineTangorTanierTaroTomatilloTomatoTurmericTurnip GreensWalnut, BlackWalnut, EnglishYam BeanYam, TrueYellow Rocket

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or viton Shoes plus socks
Personal Protection
Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material such as, barrier laminate, butyl rubber, nitrile rubber, neoprene rubber, polyvinylchloride (PVC) or viton. Shoes plus socks
Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Is not vulnerable to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

Should not be stored in a warm place

May be frozen

Supplemental Labels
  • For use on Grape (NY)
  • For control of Cabbage Maggot, Garden Symphylan and Seed Corn Maggot in Brassica Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 5 and Leafy Greens Crop Group 4A (AZ)
  • For control of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) in Citrus, Grape and Potato.(AZ, CA)
  • For control of Cabbage Maggot, Garden Symphylan and Seed Corn Maggot in Brassica Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 5 and Leafy Greens Crop Group 4A (WA)
  • For control of Spotted Wing Drosophila on Stone Fruit (Various States)
  • For control of Spotted Wing Drosophila on Grape (Various States)
  • For control of Spotted Wing Drosophila on Pome Fruit (various States)
  • For use on Grape and Potato to control Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV)
  • For use on Grape and Potato to control Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (NY)
  • For control of Earwigs on Citrus
  • For control of Cabbage Maggot, Garden Symphylan and Seed Corn Maggot in Brassica Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 5 and Leafy Greens Crop Group 4A (CA)
  • For control of Spiders on Grape
  • For the Suppression of Soybean Stem Borer (Dectes Stem Borer) Adults on Soybean (NE)
  • For Use on Potato to Control Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (DE, IN, MD, MI, NJ, OH, PA, VA, WV, WI)