SnapshotID: 45636
Active ingredients
- Insecticide- Insecticide With Fertilizer- Ovicide- Larvicide- Insecticide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated- Restricted Use PesticidesWSSA mode of action
Sodium channel modulatorsRegistration
AntAphidAphid, Bird Cherry-oatAphid, Black CherryAphid, Blue PeaAphid, Cotton/MelonAphid, CowpeaAphid, English GrainAphid, HopAphid, PeaAphid, PotatoAphid, Russian WheatAphid, SoybeanAppleworm, LesserArmywormArmyworm, BeetArmyworm, FallArmyworm, SouthernArmyworm, TrueArmyworm, Western YellowstripedArmyworm, YellowstripedBeetle, Bean LeafBeetle, BlisterBeetle, Cereal LeafBeetle, ClickBeetle, Colorado PotatoBeetle, Cucumber/Corn RootwormBeetle, Fuller RoseBeetle, Grape BudBeetle, JapaneseBeetle, May/JuneBeetle, Mexican BeanBeetle, Southern Corn LeafBeetle, SunflowerBeetle, WhitefringedBoll WeevilBollworm /Cotton BollwormBollworm, PinkBorer, American PlumBorer, Lesser CornstalkBorer, Lesser PeachtreeBorer, Peach TwigBorer, Rice StalkBorer, StalkBorer, SugarcaneBudworm, TobaccoBug, LeaffootedBug, LygusCabbageworm, ImportedCabbageworm, SouthernCasebearer, Pecan NutCaterpillar, AlfalfaCaterpillar, Black WoolybearCaterpillar, SaltmarshCaterpillar, VelvetbeanCaterpillar, WoollybearChafer, MaskedChinch BugChinch Bug, FalseCicada, PeriodicalCloverworm, GreenCorn Borer, EuropeanCorn Borer, SouthwesternCricketCurculio, CowpeaCurculio, PlumCutwormCutworm, ArmyCutworm, BlackCutworm, ClimbingCutworm, GranulateCutworm, Pale WesternCutworm, SandhillCutworm, VariegatedCutworm, Western BeanDrosophila, Spotted WingEarwigEarwig, European/CommonEarworm, CornFilbertwormFlea BeetleFlea Beetle, CabbageFlea Beetle, GrapeFlea Beetle, HopFlea Beetle, PalestripedFleahopper, CottonFly, HessianFruit Fly, Cherry/Cherry MaggotFruit Fly, Western CherryFruitworm, GreenFruitworm, TomatoGallmaker, Grape CaneGrape ColaspisGrasshopperHopper, Threecornered AlfalfaHornworm, TomatoHusk Fly, WalnutKatydidLeaf Webber, BeanLeaffolder, GrapeLeafhopperLeafhopper, AsterLeafhopper, GrapeLeafhopper, PotatoLeafhopper, Southern GardenLeafhopper, White AppleLeafminerLeafminer, BlotchLeafminer, CottonLeafminer, Spotted TentiformLeafminer, Western TentiformLeafperforator, CottonLeafroller, AppleLeafroller, GrapeLeafroller, ObliquebandedLeafroller, OmnivorousLeafroller, PandemisLeafroller, RedbandedLeafroller, VariegatedLeaftier, Celery/GreenhouseLeafworm, CottonLooperLooper, AlfalfaLooper, CabbageLooper, HopLooper, SoybeanMaggot, AppleMaggot, CabbageMaggot, SeedcornMealybug, GrapeMelonwormMidge, SorghumMidge, SunflowerMoth, Apple ErmineMoth, Banded SunflowerMoth, CodlingMoth, DiamondbackMoth, Grape BerryMoth, Oriental FruitMoth, SunflowerMoth, Sunflower BudMoth, Tufted Apple BudOrangeworm, NavelPeanutworm, RedneckedPicklewormPinworm, TomatoPlant Bug, AlfalfaPlant Bug, HopPlant Bug, TarnishedPsylla, PearPsyllid, Asian CitrusPsyllid, Potato/TomatoRindwormRootworm, CornSawfly, European AppleSawfly, GrassSawfly, PearScale, San JoseSharpshooter, Glassy WingedShuckworm, HickorySilkfly, CornSkeletonizer, GrapeleafSkeletonizer, Western GrapeleafSkipper, SilverspottedSpiderSpittlebug, MeadowSpittlebug, TwolinedStink BugStink Bug, Brown MarmoratedSymphylan, GardenThripsThrips, CitrusTortrix, OrangeTuberworm, PotatoWebwormWebworm, AlfalfaWebworm, CabbageWebworm, Garden Webworm, SorghumWeevil, AlfalfaWeevil, CarrotWeevil, Egyptian AlfalfaWeevil, PeaWeevil, Pea LeafWeevil, PecanWeevil, PepperWeevil, RootWeevil, Sunflower HeadclippingWeevil, Sunflower SeedWeevil, Sunflower StemWeevil, SweetpotatoWeevil, VegetableWeevil, sugarcane rootstockWhite GrubWhiteflyWirewormWireworm, Corn
AlfalfaAlfalfa-Grass MixtureAlmondAmaranthAmaranth, LeafyAppleApple, BalsamApricotArracachaArrowrootArtichoke, Chinese/JapaneseArtichoke, JerusalemArugulaBarleyBean, AdzukiBean, BroadBean, FieldBean, KidneyBean, LablabBean, Lima, DryBean, MothBean, MungBean, NavyBean, PintoBean, RiceBean, TeparyBean, UrdBeechnutBittermelonBrazil NutBroccoliBroccoli RaabBroccoli, Chinese/White Flowering/Gai LonBrussels SproutsBuckwheatButternut (Tree Nut)CabbageCabbage, Chinese Mustard (Gai Choy)Cabbage, Chinese, Bok ChoyCabbage, Chinese, NapaCalabazaCalamondinCanna, EdibleCantaloupeCantaloupe, TrueCardoonCarrotCashewCassava, BitterCassava, SweetCatjangCauliflowerCavalo BroccoliCavalo BroccoloCeleryCelery, ChineseCeltuceChayote (Unspecified)Chayote, RootCherry, Sour/TartCherry, Sweet/MazzardChervilChestnutChickpea/Garbanzo BeanChicory, RedChinquapinChironjaChrysanthemum, Edible-leavedChrysanthemum, GarlandChufaCitron, CitrusCollardsCorn SaladCorn, FieldCorn, Field, For SeedCorn, PopCorn, SweetCottonCowpeaCrabappleCress, GardenCress, UplandCucumberCucumber, ChineseCucuzzaDandelionDandelion, GreensDasheenDock (Sorrel)EggplantEndiveEndive/ChicoryEscaroleFennel, FlorenceFilbertFruit, Citrus, HybridFruit, PomeGherkinGingerGourd, EdibleGrapeGrape, MuscadineGrape, RaisinGrape, TableGrape, WineGrapefruitGrass, For SeedGrass, Forage, Fodder, and/or HayGround CherryGroundcherryGuar/Guar BeanHechimaHickory NutHopsHyotanKaleKohlrabiKumquatLemonLentilLerenLettuce, HeadLettuce, LeafLimeLoquatLupin, GrainLupin, SweetLupin, WhiteLupin, White SweetMacadamia NutMayhaws (All Types)Melon, CasabaMelon, CitronMelon, CrenshawMelon, Golden PershawMelon, HoneyballMelon, HoneydewMelon, MangomelonMelon, MuskmelonMelon, PersianMelon, PineappleMelon, Santa ClausMelon, SnakeMillet, PearlMillet, ProsoMizunaMustard GreensMustard SpinachNectarineOatOkra, ChineseOrachOrange, MandarinOrange, Satsuma MandarinOrange, SourOrange, SweetParsleyPasture, GrassPea, Black-eyedPea, CrowderPea, FieldPea, PigeonPea, SouthernPeachPeanutPearPear, BalsamPear, OrientalPecanPepinoPepper (All Types)Pepper, Bell/GreenPepper, ChiliPepper, CookingPepper, SweetPimentoPistachioPlumPlum, ChickasawPlum, DamsonPlum, JapanesePlumcotPotato, SweetPotatoesPrunePrune (fresh, dry)PummeloPumpkinPurslane, GardenPurslane, WinterQuinceRadicchioRadishRangelandRape GreensRapiniRhubarbRyeSapote, WhiteSorghumSoybeanSpinachSpinach, ChineseSpinach, New ZealandSpinach, VineSquash, AcornSquash, ButternutSquash, CrookneckSquash, CucuzzaSquash, HubbardSquash, HyotanSquash, ScallopSquash, SpaghettiSquash, StraightneckSquash, SummerSquash, Vegetable MarrowSquash, WinterSquash, ZucchiniSugarcaneSunflowerSwiss ChardTangeloTangerineTangorTanierTaroTeosinteTomatilloTomatoTriticaleTurmericTurnip GreensVegetables, Tuberous and CormWalnut, BlackWalnut, EnglishWatermelonWaxgourd, Chinese/Chinese Preserving MelonWheatYam BeanYam, True
Available for use in the following states
Not available
Product safety
Early entry
Coveralls Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or viton Shoes plus socks Protective eyewearPersonal Protection
Applicators and other handlers must wear: Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or viton Shoes plus socks Protective eyewear Mixer/loaders supporting aerial applications and chemigation applications must wear also (except when using closed mixing/loading systems): a dust/mist filtering respirator (MSHA/NIOSH approval number prefix TC-21C), or a NIOSH approved respirator with any R, P or HE filter.Restricted Entry Interval
12 hoursPrecautions
May be exposed to direct sunlight
Should not be exposed to flame or sparks
Should not be stored in a damp place
Should not be stored in a warm place
May be frozen
Supplemental Labels
- Wheat Stem Maggot Control on Spring Wheat (MN, MT, ND, SD)
- For Use on Cole, Cucurbit, Fruiting, and Leafy vegetables (NY)
- Brassica (COLE) Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 5 and Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 4 (CA)
- For Use on Grape (CA)
- For control of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) in Citrus, Grape and Potato (CA, AZ)
- For Use on Citrus (CA)
- Use Directions for Hessian Fly Control on Wheat (NC,VA)
- For Use on Pome Fruit (OR, WA)
- For use on Grape, Potato and other Tuberous and Corm Vegetables to control Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV)
- For use on Grape to control Spotted Wing Drosophila (various states)
- For use on Stone Fruit to control Spotted Wing Drosophila (various states)
- For use on Pome Fruit to control Spotted Wing Drosophila (various states)
- For use on Pome Fruit, Grape and Stone Fruit to control Spotted Wing Drosophila (NY)
- For use on Grape, Potato and other Tuberous and Corm Vegetables to control Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (NY)
- For Control of Asian Citrus Psyllid on Citrus (FL)
- For Control of Asian Citrus Psyllid on Citrus (TX)